NASA expert: "Aliens may have already visited Earth" but they may be so evolved that we are looking for them the wrong way

Are the aliens walking among us? Possible, according to a NASA scientist who stated that alien life may have already visited Earth. Silvano P. Colombano, who works in NASA’s Intelligent Systems Division, believes that we may have lost all of this because alien life could be very different from the humanity we are used to on Earth, whose life is based on carbon. He also believes that the current idea about extraterrestrial life is too limited. According to Colombano, other non-carbon-based life forms may have already visited Earth, but we didn’t realize it because they were too busy looking for life forms similar to ours.

“Given the fairly common presence of the elements that could be involved in the origin of life throughout the universe, it is a reasonable hypothesis that life” as we know it “was at least a common starting point, but our form of life and our intelligence could be only a first tiny step of a continuous evolution that could produce forms of intelligence that are far superior to ours and no longer based on the “mechanism” of carbon. I simply want to emphasize the fact that the intelligence that we could find and that it could choose to find us (if it has not already done so) may not be produced by carbon-based organisms like us at all. We must also review our dearest assumptions, “wrote Colombano in a document presented at the” Decoding Alien Intelligence Workshop “organized by Search for Extraterrestiral Intelligence.

Colombano suggests that just as humans are developing “super-intelligence” in computers and are becoming symbiotic with them, alien life forms may have evolved beyond their original form. He also believes that alien life may have gone far beyond human technology and may even have managed to make interstellar travel. “How could this change the assumptions about interstellar travel? Our lives would no longer be a limitation and the size of the “explorer” could be that of a tiny super-intelligent entity. Considering also that the technological development in our civilization began only about 10,000 years ago and that it has seen the rise of scientific methodologies only in the last 500 years, we can hypothesize that we may have a real problem in predicting technological evolution for the next a thousand years, let alone 6 million times this amount, “wrote Colombano.
The NASA scientist also urged to rethink the approach to studying space and space exploration in the future. For example, he urged physicists to participate in “speculative physics”, based on our most solid theories but “with a certain willingness to extend the possibilities regarding the nature of space-time and energy” and to “consider the UFO phenomenon as worthy of study”. He also indicated the need to explore the evolution of technology, especially of Artificial Intelligence, and the “symbiosis of biology and machines”. Colombano also suggested that we should review our supposed understanding of alien life forms, including how they would choose to communicate. Radio waves, for example, could be obsolete for an extraterrestrial society, so it could be that aliens have already visited Earth, have already taken a look at us humans and have already left. Or they could still be here and we simply don’t have the skill or technology to communicate with them yet.